Ho-hum, life is sweet. But, I'm bored. And my staff is really weird! -- They made up a stupid song once they saw me in meditation frame of mind! Their song? Oh, come on, do you really want to hear it? I figured you did! Here goes...*purring to the key of "c"* ---"Does your kitty cat lose it's "furvor" on the bedpost overnight?" I say, huh, what's that mean?
Actually, if I move, I think my head would fall off! So, I'm gonna stay right here for now if you don't mind. Okay, let me get back to my meditating...move to the next one please! As the infamous cat of all time, Greta Gato, said once "I VANT to be ALONE".
Actually, if I move, I think my head would fall off! So, I'm gonna stay right here for now if you don't mind. Okay, let me get back to my meditating...move to the next one please! As the infamous cat of all time, Greta Gato, said once "I VANT to be ALONE".

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